Wednesday 27 February 2013

Questionnaire Results

17 people completed my questionnaire, 10 of these were girls and 7 were boys. I don’t think the difference in the amount of people from each gender will make much of a difference to the results as I tried to spread these people out over a wide age range.

Although I tried to ask a range of ages, the majority of people were in my age range of 16-20, this could be for two reasons; firstly I may have made the mistake of asking people mainly at College, where everyone will be in this age range, or this is the most popular age group when it comes to watching horror movies.

13 of the people said they were influenced by the marketing of the movie and will consider how well it has been marketed before seeing it. People also listed things which they would look for in a horror trailer to make it successful:
  • Interesting and easily remembered
  • Cliff-hangers (Not giving plot away)
  • Genre indicators
  • Anticipation
  • Jumpy and suspense
  • Good storyline without giving too much away

Interestingly, 14 people out of the 17 liked horror movies, 7 of these were girls, 7 boys. This left 3girls who didn’t enjoy horror movies. This could suggest that the horror genre is more for males, as it was only the females who disliked them. However, there were just as many girls liking them, but this could follow the idea that horror movies make good ‘date’ movies, where the girl goes to see it in order to be looked after by the boy.

When asked, it appears that the most popular sub-genre of horror movies is ‘Psychological’, with 9 out of 17 people choosing this. With the increase in paranormal movies recently it is no surprise that this comes second with 4 people, then slasher with 3. One person also decided to choose ‘Zombies’ as their other subgenre, as there was a period where these were very popular, and in fact still are.
When I asked them to name their favourite horror movies, the results also spread across all these subgenres:
  • The Shining (psychological)
  • Friday 13th (Slasher)
  • Paranormal Activity (Paranormal)
  • Dawn of the dead (Zombie)
  • Zombieland (Zombie)
  • Jeepers creepers (slasher)
  • Psycho (psychological

Putting all these results together, I have decided to come up with an idea that is easily reached by both genders at my age group of16-20 but something that will also be appropriate for older ages too. I want the trailer to be jumpy and build suspense without giving too much of the plot away. I should also try and make it psychological as this was the most popular category.

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