Monday 5 November 2012

Original Film Idea- Individual

Jordan is a 21 year old girl in her last year of University. She is stressed from the deadlines and amount of work she has to do, but she is very smart and capable. Her housemates, Zoey and James are coupled up, and not making life at home easy. Her best friend Tom is also madly in love with Jordan, and would do anything for her.

One night before an important exam, Jordan is desperately trying to cram in as much revision as possible, but is rudely interrupted by the sounds of her housemates making love. To clear her head she goes for a walk around the city, and is convinced she hears footsteps following behind her. It’s raining, so in a puddle she sees a dark shadow following her.
She returns home to find Zoey and James in the kitchen cooking dinner, with music blaring on the speakers. Stressed she shouts at them and goes to bed for an early night’s sleep.

The morning Jordan enters the kitchen to find Zoey and James’ corpses on the kitchen floor, with blood everywhere, and the knife they were using to prepare their dinner with stuck in Zoey’s back. Convinced it was done by whoever she saw following her home, she tries to tell the police, who then start a manhunt.
Jordan tries to forget the ordeal and tries to get life back to normal at University. Sitting in her lecture, she sees a dark silhouette of a person sitting at the back, and is convinced they are staring at her. Stressed from the workload, she falls asleep, and has a nightmare about her tutor being slaughtered. She leaves the lecture late and follows behind her tutor, watching as he gets into his car.

That night she sees on the news whilst with her friend Tom about her tutor dying in a car accident after someone cut his brakes. She becomes increasingly paranoid and is convinced someone is after her and anyone she knows. She tells her worries to Tom, who appears to listen, but the next day signs Jordan up to a psychiatrist. Next we see Jordan at the psychiatrist, starting to look tired and more stressed, telling the psychiatrist about how she sees someone following her before the murders. She is confused when Dr. Cooper asks if she’s seen this man’s face, and answers that ‘No, just his shadow.’

That night, angry at Tom for making her see a psychiatrist, she has a nightmare about him being slaughtered, but wakes up in the middle of the night, panicked from it. She can’t sleep, and desperate to hear from Tom, she calls him up. He tells her he is on his way to see her. In hysterics, she sits on the sofa and waits, but hears a door slam in the apartment. Convinced she is not alone, she hides in the airing cupboard, and listens. She keeps hearing doors slam through the apartment and sees a shadow pass under the door. We hear a timer on the boiler clicking slowly as she puts her hand over her mouth to silence her crying. Suddenly the door slams open and Tom is there. He pulls her out and holds her close as she cries into his shoulder. They fall asleep on the sofa together, and she wakes up, stands over him as he sleeps, looking distracted, and walks to the bathroom. She tries to clean her face in the mirror after her crying, but she is so emotionally drained it makes no difference. As she looks down into the sink, her reflection in the mirror continues to stare at her. Seeing a dark shadow pass by the bathroom door she returns to Tom’s side and falls asleep on his lap. 

The screen is blacked out, but we hear Jordan whispering, and then muttering something angrily under her breath, we assume she is having a night terror again. Suddenly her eyes jump open, and we see an extreme close up of her eyes. As we slowly zoom out, we see she is covered in blood. Panicking she sits up and looks down at  her bloody clothes and hands. In one of her hands she is holding a knife. She doesn’t feel hurt, and then remembers Tom. He isn’t on the sofa with her, so screaming his name she runs around the apartment. She finds his body in the bath where he is sitting in his own blood. Jordan falls to the floor in tears. As she does her shadow doesn’t move from it’s position. She looks up and her eyes are black. She then smiles into the camera.

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